What Types of Anesthesia Are There?

Your Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon can offer you different types of anesthesia to make your surgical procedure comfortable and pain free. Some types of anesthesia that we offer include:

• Local – this numbs the area, and you are able to stay awake and aware of what is happening. Conscious and deep sedation procedures also use local anesthetics so that you can be numb and comfortable when you wake up.

• Nitrous oxide analgesia—Often called “Laughing Gas,” nitrous oxide provides a relaxed but awake state that is quickly reversible.

• Oral sedation—Often used with children, an oral sedative medication is given in our office. Often combined with nitrous oxide, oral sedation allows a sedated state while avoiding the “stick” of an IV line.

• Conscious Sedation – A mild intravenous (IV) sedative is given to relax you. You stay awake, but may not remember all of the procedure afterwards.

• Deep sedation/General anesthesia – A careful mixture of IV medications is given to allow you to be unconscious (fall asleep) during your procedure.

Maximum attention is given to your comfort and safety during your anesthetic. Your Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon will:

• Use appropriate monitors and techniques to keep track of your general physical condition during your anesthetic

• Manage any discomfort that you may have after your procedure

• Ensure your safety and comfort before, during, and after the procedure

Note: All anesthetics are administered by our board-certified doctors, who are extensively trained and licensed in all types of pain and anxiety control. All of our surgical facilities are licensed and inspected regularly with up-to-date anesthesia and safety equipment.

Instructions for Patients Receiving IV Anesthesia

  • Do not eat or drink any food or liquid for AT LEAST 8 HOURS prior to your surgery. Normally you may take any regular medications with a small sip of water unless instructed differently by your doctor.
  • Arrange for a relative or friend to accompany you after the surgery. The person giving you a ride must accompany you during your appointment, and must be able to understand spoken and written English when post-surgical instructions are reviewed.
  • Your must have a responsible adult stay with you until the day after the surgery.
  • The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours following the anesthesia experience.
  • Minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Please wear loose fitting clothing and a short sleeved shirt.
  • Get plenty of rest the night before your procedure.
  • Contact lenses, jewelry, earrings/piercings and dentures must be removed at the time of surgery.
  • Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or colored nail polish on the day of surgery.
  • If you have an illness such as a cold, sore throat, stomach or bowel upset, please notify the office.